Even though it has only been six weeks since her Essure was inserted, Kathyrn has already had enough problems to make her seek removal of her Essure coils.
She traveled from Maryland to Chapel Hill, North Carolina to have the Essure coils removed.
She offered to share her experience for the benefit of other women who could be experiencing similar Essure problems and who may not be getting the assistance they need from their doctors.
IUD or Essure: Which Is Best?
Kathyrn is 45 years of age and she has a 19 year old child. She initially went to her doctor’s office to have an intrauterine device (IUD) inserted.
She has used an IUD before and had planned on getting a second IUD for birth control. Instead she was offered an Essure sterilization procedure.
Kathyrn felt as if she was pressured into getting an Essure by her doctor. She has experience as a technical medical writer and she felt her doctor used medical marketing buzz words to convince her to get the Essure.
She was told it was safe, non-hormonal, FDA approved, and an easy procedure. Kathryn’s doctor also told her she likes to do it just after the menstrual cycle is completed and she pressured Kathyrn to return the next day (within 24 hours of her appointment for an IUD insertion) for an immediate Essure insertion. Kathyrn reluctantly went along with the Essure procedure.
The procedure was done in her doctor’s office. During the procedure her doctor had difficulty inserting the left coil. She remembers the members of the health care team discussing the procedure and trying to determine if an adequate number of Essure coils were projecting into the uterine cavity.
Essure Problems
Kathyrn began having Essure problems that very same night. She was in severe pain and had vomiting. Her symptoms temporarily got better but then got worse and persisted. She continued to have abdominal pain and nausea.
She eventually developed a body rash, headaches, and a funny ‘metallic’ taste in her mouth.
She called her doctor’s office and her doctor told her it was not possible. She insisted on an ultrasound to determine the coils were in the proper position. An ultrasound exam was ordered and the report suggested the coils were in their proper place. She again called her doctor office multiple times after the ultrasound to discuss her problems only to be told “This has never happened at our office before.”
Eventually the office stopped talking with her and Kathyrn felt as if she was left on her own.
Kathyrn decided it was better to get her coils out sooner rather than later. She called A Personal Choice and made an appointment with Dr. Monteith for Essure device removal.
Kathyrn’s Essure Removal Surgery
Kathyrn’s Essure removal surgery went well but was difficult because the left coil was ‘missing’.
The right coil was in the proper position. Since the coil had only been recently inserted removal of the coil was easy because significant scar tissue had not formed. The left coil was not in the tube. An extensive exploration of the pelvis and surrounding structures did not discover the coil.
An intra-operative ultrasound then demonstrated the coil was completely within the uterine cavity.
Once the left coil was located the Essure device was then able to be easily and quickly removed. Both Essure devices were removed complete and intact.
Kathyrn was willing to share her story because she wants other women who may be having similar experiences to benefit from her experience with Essure insertion and removal. Kathyrn feels as if she was pressured, or sold, into an Essure procedure even though she really wanted an IUD.
Since she has a medical writing background she expressed a sense of frustration and regret at having been pressured into choosing a method from which she experienced side effects. The pain and nausea were so severe that she lost weight and could not actively participate in triathlons as she had done previously.
She also felt completely abandon and shut out by her doctor when she began having problems.
In Kathyrn’s words, “The doctors are so helpful when it comes to recommending these methods but will completely shut you out when you may be one of the few who are experiencing side effects and they don’t know what to do.”
Kathyrn has also provided an update on her progress since her surgery:
Treatment For Essure Symptoms: Does Removing The Coils Really Help?