The very first Free Reversal Surgery Contest by A Personal Choice Tubal Reversal Center was a great success!

To be eligible, applicants had to be seeking tubal ligation reversal, vasectomy reversal, Essure removal, or Essure reversal. They also had to meet all surgery center safety policies (be safe surgical candidates, have a BMI less than 37, not be severely anemic, etc).
Over 8,000 applications were submitted and three lucky winners were selected.
To read more about the 2020 tubal reversal contest winners visit:
First Annual Tubal Reversal Contest Winners Announced!
Winners were chosen by a selection committee and notified personally by phone and email from Dr. Monteith.
The free reversal surgeries were performed on Monday, December 22, 2020, which was the last surgical operating day of 2020.
The following are brief updates of how surgery visits went for each winning couple.
Free Essure Reversal Surgery: Kelly and Tim
Kelly was the winner of a free Essure reversal surgery, valued at $7,900!
She is from Michigan and desired reversal of Essure to treat Essure related side-effects she has experienced since her Essure devices were inserted. She also wants the opportunity to become pregnant in the future.
When Kelly received the call notifying her she was a winner of the contest, she did not initially answer the phone; however, she did respond to her email and was eventually able to speak with Dr. Monteith. She was shocked, to say the least, and had forgotten about entering the contest. Kelly was a little hesitant to be overly excited and this is understandable because everyone thinks everything is a scam now-a-days!

Kelly and Tim with Dr Monteith during postoperative visit
It was a pleasure meeting both Kelly and Tim.
Once she entered the center, Kelly was nervous but optimistically excited. Tim, on the other hand, was fearful of the entire ‘free surgery thing’ being a scam and did not fully let go of this concern until the day they left the office to return to Michigan.
Kelly’s surgery was a great success…a textbook case in Essure reversal surgery.
Her Essure devices were in their normal anatomical location and the devices were removed complete, intact, and without any evidence of fracture. Since Kelly had a lower BMI (<25) and did not have any significant prior abdominal surgery (lower risk of significant scar tissue), her surgery went very well.
More info: Factors that increase the risk of Essure removal surgery
Her Essure reversal surgery lasted approximately 74 minutes and the estimated blood loss (EBL) was less than two tablespoons!
Tim was able to be with Kelly in the recovery room. After he realized she was doing better than expected, he gradually began to accept the fact this free reversal thing may not have been a scam!
Kelly did well in the recovery room and returned to the hotel for an uneventful postoperative night. She and Tim returned to the office the next day for her postoperative appointment. She reported good pain control and was walking, eating, and drinking without difficulty.
She and Tim returned home to Michigan by car. We wish her a well recovery, relief of Essure symptoms, and pregnancy hopes should she desire to become pregnant.
Free reversal of tied and cut tubes: Brittany and Chris
Brittany is from Louisville, Kentucky. Brittany was the winner of a free reversal of tied and cut tubes valued at $6,900.
Based on her contest application, Brittany had an extremely hard time when she was younger. She was a young mother and was going through relationship issues and a stressful custody battle. She began to abuse alcohol and drugs. She had a tubal ligation during this time. Unfortunately, her kids were soon removed from her custody. Brittany wanted a second chance to become a mother.
Brittany’s free tubal reversal contest application stood out from most others. It was extremely genuine and the committee thought she deserved a second chance. The reality is most of our patients have similar stories and all of them deserve second chances… but Brittany’s experience seemed more extreme because her kids were removed from her care.

Dr Monteith, Nurse Cherise and Chris clowning around with Brittany before surgery
Her application was selected with some reluctance not knowing during a blind selection process, what type of person or personality is going to show up on the day of surgery. We perform reversal surgery for all types of people, from all across the country, and who all have different reasons for wanting reversal surgery.
We never know the reasons behind a person’s tubal ligation or reasons for wanting reversal. Some may have been in very difficult circumstances and may have had their children removed from their care. On rare occasions, certain patients make us uneasy because we wonder if we are doing the right thing by helping them reverse something that is only going to make their lives or potential future children’s lives worse. When we meet Brittany and Chris, we quickly realized this was not the case.
Brittany was very shy. She had an air of quiet, humbled appreciation for being selected as a contest winner. We could sense she had something inside she wanted to share but her shy shell prevented us from experiencing or hearing what she may have wanted to express. The moment I met Brittany I knew we did the right thing by selecting her as a winner. I could tell she was a genuinely reformed person and we were doing a good thing by helping her with tubal reversal surgery.
Chris, like Tim, seemed leery of this free reversal thing being a scam but he quickly loosened up after we met. Towards the end of the consultation, I usually joke with all the patients and tell them, “Go have a good dinner…. you can even drink some wine or beer if you want!” As I said this, I realized I forgot Brittany’s history with substance abuse. Chris calmly replied, “Thank you doctor…but we don’t drink.”
Brittany was the first person to answer the phone when calls were placed to the winners. She was quietly excited. She was the last person to submit her paperwork which made us a little nervous and wondered if she would show up for the surgery. After I reviewed her tubal ligation operative report, I was a little worried if her tubes could be reversed.
Brittany had a postpartum tubal ligation, which usually means a small part of each tube was cut and tied through a small belly button incision within 48 hours of a vaginal childbirth. Most of these tubal ligations are reversible but Brittany’s doctor used surgical clips typically used during gallbladder and appendix removal surgery. These clips are not designed for use on the fallopian tubes. Sometimes when doctors use these atypical approaches and especially when these patients get tubal ligation in difficult social situations, I am worried the doctor does greater damage to the tubes and the tubal ligation may not be reversible.
The only thing Brittany had on her side was when her tubal ligation was performed she was young (less than 25) and only had two children. Often when a doctor performs a tubal ligation on a woman under the age of 30 with a low number of kids they tend to be sparing and they usually leave the fallopian tubes in better shape for reversing.
The only thing causing me to have doubt was I realized Brittany was going through a tough time around the time of her tubal ligation. Maybe her doctor wanted to make sure she never accidentally became pregnant by doing extra damage to her tubes?
Brittany’s surgery went very well. I did find two surgical clips on each tube and only a small piece of each tube had been removed. Brittany had the longest tubes of the day and each tube was over 8 cm. Brittany did great in the recovery room and Chris was a great post-operative nurse. He took good care of Brittany and it was obvious during the post-operative visit that Chris cared very much for Brittany and she was going to be in good hands.
After Brittany’s postoperative visit, they drove back to Louisville, Kentucky. I felt like we had done something good for them. Based on her fallopian tube lengths, I believe she has a good chance of becoming a mother again. I could tell both Brittany and Chris were good people. Thankfully, Brittany gets a second chance to make things right.
Free reversal of tubal clips: Ciara and Isaiah
Ciara and Isaiah are from Orange, Texas. Ciara was the winner of a free reversal of tubal clips valued at $6,900.
Ciara was the first winner to answer the phone and was the most excited. Ciara is a woman of great faith….she did not think for one minute that the contest was a scam!
I enjoyed talking to Ciara. I could tell she had been through a lot; first child at a very young age, a very abusive and controlling relationship, domestic violence, and absolutely no control whatsoever.
It amazes me how many of our patients are in abusive relationships and how many women get their tubes tied as a means to gain some semblance of control in their relationship. Many will say they could not afford to have more children with ‘that man’. The reality is each child they have further tightens the noose their abuser has around their neck. The only thing they have control over, with a tubal ligation, is their fertility.

Dr Monteith with Ciara and Isiah after the consultation appointment
I could tell Ciara’s previous relationship was extremely abusive and traumatic.
She had amnesia around many aspects of her prior life. I got the impression she had forgotten large amounts of time while she was essentially an emotional kidnapping victim.
I was very impressed and proud of Ciara for having the strength and courage to leave her abuser. Although it sounds like it should be easy to do…someone abuses you and dose not respect you …then just leave!
The reality is it is extremely difficult to leave an abusive relationship with a controlling person. You really are a kidnapping victim.
Ciara told me she had just had enough of her abuser. She left on a moment’s notice without any place to go, only the clothes she was wearing, and the only money she had was in her pocket at the time she took flight. This was the only way she was going to escape.
It was a pleasure to meet both Ciara. and Isiah. Isaiah was the most excited of all the male partners about the free reversal. I could tell he was a honest, hard working man from Southeast Texas. I joked with him that I did not believe he was a true Texan because he was not wearing cowboy boots, a cowboy hat , or a large belt buckle. He had the Texas accent though!
Ciara’s surgery went very well. She had a Filshie tubal clip on each tube. Her tubes were healthy and very long after reversal. Her surgery was approximately 1 hour and she lost less than a tablespoon of blood. We showed her the clips after surgery and she returned to the hotel and did great. I met both Ciara and Isiah the day after the surgery and reviewed the findings with them. Ciara was in a fair amount of pain….but she is tough and was able to manage. She and Isiah returned home by car to Texas.
They are a great couple. Ciara is a strong woman and a woman of faith. It was my pleasure to have been involved with them and I wish them the best in their future pregnancy endeavors.
Would you like a chance to win a free tubal reversal?

We have been fortunate enough to have met and helped three great, deserving couples. We hope we have been able to provide them with hope of a better future and we wish them well.
This was the first ever free tubal reversal contest ever offered in the United States…and likely the world… and it was a tremendous success.
If you would like to enter the contest for 2021 then the contest reopens starting January 1st 2021.
To enter the contest visit: Free Tubal Reversal Surgery Contest
The contest will be an annual event. Applicants are only allowed to enter once per year.
Submitted by: Dr Charles Monteith Medical Director of A Personal Choice Tubal Reversal Center Raleigh NC