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Tubal Ligation Reversal After 40 | Tubal Reversal Process

This is the fifth article in a series devoted to women over the age of 40 considering tubal ligation reversal surgery or other alternatives for having more children after a tubal ligation. This article describes the process involved in scheduling an outpatient tubal ligation reversal at A Personal Choice.

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Tubal Reversal After 40 | Risks

The tubal ligation reversal experts of A Personal Choice provide a detailed list of the risks of tubal ligation reversal surgery in part four of a series of articles dedicated to women over the age of 40 who may be considering tubal ligation reversal. Using their extensive patient database, they provide estimates of the risk of each occurrence so patients can evaluate whether tubal ligation reversal is the right choice for them.

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Tubal Reversal After 40 – Benefits

This is the fourth in a series of articles for women 40 and wanting to become pregnant after tubal ligation. This article describes the multiple benefits of tubal reversal compared with IVF (in vitro fertilization).

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Tubal Reversal After Age 40 – Adoption

This is the third article in a blog series dedicated to women over the age of 40 with tied tubes and who are considering alternatives to become pregnant. This article provides a brief overview of adoption. We discuss the benefits and some of the risks of the adoptive process. Readers are encouraged to leave comments on the Tubal Reversal Blog and/or the Tubal Reversal Message Board.

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Tubal Ligation Reversal After 40 | Pregnancy and Infertility

This article on the Tubal Reversal Blog from A Personal Choice discusses the impact of age upon pregnancy or infertility. Dr. Charles Monteith discusses his experiences practicing high risk obstetrics and the concept of advanced maternal age.

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Tubal Ligation Reversal After Age 40 | Introduction

The tubal reversal doctors at A Personal Choice introduce Part 1 of a series of blog articles about the concerns of women over the age of 40 who are considering pregnancy, options for becoming pregnant, and tubal ligation reversal surgery. This series of articles will discuss adoption, in vitro fertilizaiton (IVF), and tubal ligation reversal. Statistical data and patient submitted stories will also be presented during this series.

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Susan: International Tubal Ligation Reversal

Susan is an international patient who travels to A Personal Choice from Dubai, United Arab Emirates for tubal reversal surgery. A critical aspect of Susan’s surgery is she has only one remaining ovary with an unusual cyst. We describe Susan’s past, the critical nature of her tubal reversal surgery, and the successful salvage of her only ovary.

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Tubal Ligation Reversal After Failed IVF

After discovering that IVF is not allowed for unmarried couples in the state of Arkansas, Cyndi traveled to Oklahoma for IVF but did not become pregnant. She then had a successful reversal of tubal ligation at A Personal Choice.

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Pregnancy After Tubal Ligation: IVF or Tubal Reversal?

A A Personal Choice patient, Cyndi, describes to Dr. Monteith how she was trapped in an abusive marriage and had a tubal ligation. After divorcing and meeting her current partner, Steven, she wanted to have another child with him. She then describes being talked out of tubal ligation reversal and into IVF by an infertility specialist, only to discover that IVF is illegal for unmarried couples in the state of Arkansas.

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