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“Thank you so much for making it possible to bring these two amazing people into our lives.”

– Saratoga Springs, New York

“You are my heroes. We can never thank you enough.”

– Ontario, Canada

We have been so blessed to bring another tubal reversal baby into our family.

– Buckatunna, Mississippi

“Ivy is our second Monteith Miracle!”

– APO, Armed Forces Europe

“It was a leap of faith and we have had a blessed journey.”

– Colorado Springs, Colorado

“Thank you for making our dreams come true!”

– Nebo, North Carolina

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Warm and inviting, our state of the art surgical facility offers safe, affordable & personalized tubal reversal surgery. Dreams of starting a family become a reality here.

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Low Cost Tubal Reversal Surgery: $4,500 Reversal Surgery For Bess!

Our Story of Finding Hope Together Through Tubal Reversal Surgery

low cost tubal reversal surgery patientBefore my husband and I wed, we carefully “planned” our lives together.

We hoped to wait five years, have two kids, adopt 2 or 3 more, have a small farm, travel the world, do mission trips and be debt free!

All glorious and great visions of a life worth living! But life doesn’t come as you plan it. Our children, our greatest joys, came quickly and on birth control just 16 months of each other. So we intentionally chose to have a tubal ligation to make sure we would still adopt and help others.

Adoption rather than tube reversal surgery

After months of searching and not being even close to being debt free, we chose the local foster care system for our adoption journey. Quickly, we got a very expected call for a sibling group just the same age as our birth kids who had a 99% chance of being adoptable. From the day they arrived, we fell in love and I believed with all my heart that these children were given to me by God! A true miracle and blessing! But three years passed and still the system would not release the children to us even though we had signed adoption papers. But I’m a fighter! And I still believed a miracle could happen!

And, in a strange way, a miracle did happen. The birth dad recovered from drugs and on Christmas Day 2013 they left our home – and… I was crushed!

To make matters worse, the agency concluded our new home was not private enough for future foster kids and they terminated any ray of hope of ever adopting locally or internationally.

Reversal, IVF, or tubal ligation failure

I dedicated myself diligently to my birth kids, extremely grateful to The Lord for them, to my husband and to our small farm. And…I still prayed for a miracle. Now I was sure it had to come from me and my husband. My home felt so small, missing so much.

Each month, my period brought a hopeless reminder of my infertility and my unworthiness of being a mother. I started Googling chances of pregnancy after tubal ligation and prayed God would choose me among the 1% of tubal ligation failure.

Then I thought about Invitro fertilization and adopting embryos. And that’s when I stumbled on Tubal Reversal.

After many prayers and confirmation through people and the Bible, I chose A Personal Choice because of their high patient reviews and the office reversal staff’s amazingly quick response to all my inquiries.

Tubal reversal surgery prepayment account

I got into the Reversal Prepayment Plan planning to hopefully get a discount for traveling expenses and instead saved $1400 with their Christmas special. I was truly HOPEFUL once again. And that’s where I am right now. I now have HOPE. Its not what I planned but, maybe, it could be better than I could have ever planned!!! I went from depressed, devalued and discouraged to RENEWED, REMADE and REENERGIZED (emotionally and physically)!

This is what hope can do for you! This is what Personal Choice has done for me! This has been a life changing experience that has been worth every penny.

New life wipes out the memory of pain

When a woman gives birth, she has a hard time, there’s no getting around it. But when the baby is born, there is joy in the birth. This new life in the world wipes out the memory of the pain. John 16:21
Submitted by: Bess Tubal Reversal Patient of A Personal Choice

Affordable Tubal Reversal Surgery

Bess was able to obtain a low cost tubal reversal surgery by joining our Tubal Reversal Prepayment Plan (RPA). This plan allows you to save gradually towards your surgery over time. It also allows us to prescreen you and make sure you are the best candidate possible for reversal surgery. If we have openings in our surgical schedule then we contact our Reversal Prepayment Plan holders by email only notifying them of available days and offering them reduced rates.

These reduced rates are only being offered to our Reversal Prepayment Plan holders.

First RPA Members Saved $1,400!

affordable-tubal-reversal-giftBess was able to obtain an additional $1,400 discount off the cost of tubal reversal surgery.

We offered our best discounts to our first RPA members and Bess was one of the fortunate ones to be able to obtain such a low rate.

In the above photo I am holding a Christmas gift that Bess’s young daughter made for me. It was a homemade jar of pre made chococlate chip cookie mix…all that I need to add is butter and eggs. It was touching and very much appreciated.

Beth has agreed to share her entire reversal experience with others. You can see the second part of her story here: Tubal Reversal Surgery Discounts: Bess Gets It Done!

If you are considering starting a Reversal Prepayment Account and attempt to get a discounted surgery rate please read this for more information: Tubal Reversal Prepayment Account

Need More Information About Tubal Reversal?

A Personal Choice Tubal Reversal Center is in Raleigh, North Carolina and specializes in tubal ligation, Essure, and vasectomy reversal surgery.

Dr. Monteith specializes in helping couples have more beautiful children with reversal surgery and helping women treat abnormal symptoms after their tubes have been tied!

If you would like more information about reversal, including the cost and success rates, then enter your email address below and you will be emailed more information about reversal.

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Join Our Facebook Group?

Women who need more advice about reversal are encouraged to join A Personal Choice’s public Facebook group:

Facebook Tubal Reversal Group of A Personal Choice

By joining the group you can communicate with other women who have had successfully reversed their tubal ligation and restored their natural fertility.

Have Questions? We’re Happy To Help!

We provide a unique surgical experience with personalized attention and one-on-one care. We make every effort to make your surgery less of a process and more of a life’s experience. Please use the buttons below for answers to our frequently asked questions.

Have a Question? Drop Us A Line!

If you are considering reversal surgery and have questions about the procedure, fill in the form below and we'll get back to you as soon as we can! If you would like to speak with a nurse for a Free Consultation then feel free to call us at (919) 977-5050.

Please view our most frequently asked questions before sending your questions.

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What Would You Like to Schedule?

Tubal Reversal Or Essure Reversal

Vasectomy Reversal

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