Why Some Patients Choose To Have Screening Laparoscopy
Tubal ligation procedures vary in the severity of injury occurring to the fallopian tubes. Although most tubal ligations are reversible, there are some cases where tubal reversal is not possible. If the operative report from your tubal ligation indicates there may be a problem in repairing the remaining tubal segments, or if you cannot get a copy of your operative report, you may be interested in the screening laparoscopy option offered at A Personal Choice.
With this option, your surgery begins with diagnostic laparoscopy to examine your fallopian tubes. If tubal repair is possible, tubal reversal is performed immediately while you are under anesthesia. That way you do not have to undergo anesthesia and surgery on two separate occasions.
If tubal reversal is not possible, the operation is concluded with just the diagnostic laparoscopy. There is an additional charge of $1000 to add the screening laparoscopy, but with this option you will receive almost half of the total surgery fee in refund should tubal repair not be performed. The “laparoscopy package” is excellent insurance in situations when the method of tubal ligation is unknown.
Screening laparoscopy is available to patients with a Body Mass Index (BMI) under 32 who are interested in more assurance regarding the outcome of the reversal surgery. It is recommended – but not required – in cases where the amount of tube remaining is questionable, such as after monopolar tubal coagulation at multiple sites along the tube.
If you have questions about the laparoscopy option, you can discuss them with Dr. Berger and the Tubal Reversal nurses during your preoperative consultation.