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Warm and inviting, our state of the art surgical facility offers safe, affordable & personalized tubal reversal surgery. Dreams of starting a family become a reality here.

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Free Tubal Reversal Contest: 2022 Winner’s Surgery Has Been Completed!

The 2022 Free Tubal Reversal Contest was a big success. In previous years, we have selected three winners. This year we were only able to select one winner.

The winner this year was Destiny, a 27 year-old mother of two from Grove, Oklahoma. Destiny lost her second child to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and her life has been a nightmare ever since. She entered the contest hoping she would win a chance to restore her fertility…a second chance to become a mom again.

Destiny was the victim a serious tragedy but in September of this year… fate looked kindly upon her.

In 2022 she was selected as the winner of the A Personal Choice Free Tubal Reversal Contest.

SIDS: A Horrible Nightmare For Any Parent

Destiny is 27 years of age and is married to Steven. Destiny works as a Dental Technician and Steven works in construction.

mom-had-tubal-reversal-surgery-after-baby-died-from-sidsDestiny’s first child was a girl. She had this child with a previous partner and her daughter is now 8 years of age. Destiny separated from her first partner and is now married to Steven. Steven had a child from a previous relationship. Together, Steven and Destiny had a son.

After the birth of her second child, Destiny decided she was done. She had two children: a girl and a boy, as well as, the child from Steven’s previous relationship.

She had everything she wanted in life. She made the decision to have a tubal ligation. Two months after her son was born, Destiny had a tubal ligation with Filshie clips.

Three months after her tubal ligation tragedy struck. Her youngest died from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, or SIDS, at the age of 5 months.

One year after the death of her son she began seriously researching tubal ligation reversal surgery.

She searched the internet and found Dr. Monteith’s website, A Personal Choice Tubal Reversal Center. After clicking through the site, she discovered the page for the Free Tubal Reversal Contest and she decided to enter.

Although she was very unfortunate to have lost her child, she was blessed by God when she was chosen as the 2023 winner of the contest to receive a free tubal reversal surgery. God’s power works in mysterious ways.

Destiny’s Statement After Winning Contest

Winning this contest is everything to me. I’ve entered every year since it started.

winner-of-2022-free-tubal-reversal-contest-dr-monteithSix years ago I met my husband, he had no children, I had a 1 year old daughter. He has since then raised my daughter as his own, well 5 years ago we got pregnant. He was a beautiful baby boy, Braxton Jase. Absolute perfection, we felt complete, we had our little family.

At that time 2 children was enough for me. It was all that I wanted so I decided to get my tubes tied.

Four short months later God had other plans for my son, he passed away from SIDS. I’ve never felt so broken, it’s been almost 5 years and I’ve regretted having a tubal, I never expected that to happen.

We have tried for years to undo the mistake I made and have another but money was never in our favor, then I found this contest. Every year I’ve prayed and it’s finally happened.

I couldn’t be more grateful to A Personal Choice for giving me this huge blessing.

Day One: Tubal Reversal Consultation

Destiny and Steven arrived at A Personal Choice on a Wednesday around 2pm. They met with Dr. Monteith in the afternoon and Dr. Monteith explained the risks of the reversal surgery.

Destiny was nervous and did not say very much. She was reluctant to speak. You could almost sense she had a lot of emotion trapped inside. Her husband, Steven, was more expressive. They were both nervous.

As all patients are….they were worried would the surgery be painful, wonder if the surgery would be safe, and were fearful the surgery would not work? Almost all patients process these feelings as they decide on reversal. As they approach the surgery consultation these feelings intensify and get worse.

After the consultation, the couple left the office to pick up their prescription medications and to check into the hotel.

Their instructions were to go back to the hotel, relax and have a good dinner. Dr. Monteith even encouraged them to have a glass of wine/beer or a cocktail to help them better relax and enjoy the evening. The couple was instructed to return the next day at 10:30 am.

Day Two: Tubal Reversal Surgery

Destiny arrived early and was ready for surgery. She got checked in. An IV was inserted without difficulty and she met the anesthesia and operating room staff.

free-reversal-contest-dr-monteith-2022-a-personal-choice-raleigh-north-CarolinaDr. Monteith came in to say a few words with the couple, to find out how their evening went, and to reassure them everything would go well.

Dr. Monteith even took the time to clown around with the couple and take a photo with them in his bedazzled Santa hat!

Her surgery went extremely well. Destiny did not have any scar tissue from her prior c-section. Her fallopian tubes were 8 cm long on both sides.

Only one Filshie fallopian tube clip was found. The second clip was not found despite extensive searching.

Tubal clips commonly cut and divide the tube in the middle. The clips often fall off and drop either in front of or behind the uterus.

One of Destiny’s clips was no where to be found and it is probably somewhere in her upper abdomen. This is common with tubal clips. It often happens the first several months after the clips were placed. Most women will not have any symptoms from a displaced tubal clip. The clips are designed to be a part of the woman’s body for the rest of her life…so not finding a clip is not a serious issue for most patients.

Her reversal surgery was approximately 40 minutes! The estimated blood loss was less than half a tablespoon.

An easier and faster surgery was possible for Destiny because: her BMI was 25, she did not have any scar tissue from her prior c-section, and her tubal ligation method was fallopian tube clips.

The larger a patient’s BMI then the more difficult surgery can become. Surgeries in patients with BMIs greater than 30 are often more complicated and take longer to perform. Patients with BMIs greater than 30 are at higher risks of having issues with their surgical incisions and with infections of their incisions.

Tubal clips are an excellent method to reverse. Tubal clips don’t damage as much of the tube as some other methods. The fallopian tubes of patients who have tubal clips or tubal rings as their method of tubal ligation are usually longer, healthier, and they have a higher chance of becoming pregnant after reversal.

After surgery, Dr. Monteith informed Steven that things went well. Steven was taken to the recovery room.

Destiny woke up in less than 45 minutes. The couple was shown the single tubal clip that was removed from one of her tubes and they were allowed to take a photo of the clip. They were given a time to return to the office the next day and the couple returned to the hotel.

Day Three Post Operative Visit

Destiny returned to the office 8:30am the day after her surgery for a post-operative visit. She was doing well.

The night after surgery she did fine. Her pain was well controlled on the prescription pain medications. She was able to walk and eat without difficulty.

2022-free-tubal-reversal-winner-takes-photo-with-dr-monteith-after-surgery-post-operative-appointmentDr. Monteith met with the couple and discussed the findings of the surgery. He reviewed the operative report and also reviewed his most common recommendations for pregnancy after reversal surgery. Destiny was given a copy of her records and a copy was sent to her local doctor by fax.

The couple planned to stay in Raleigh for an additional night before returning home.

Before leaving the office, they took one last photo with Dr. Monteith in front of the A Personal Choice Christmas tree.

The couple left with the hope of tubal reversal working and the opportunity to have another child together.

Losing a child is always a traumatic circumstance for parents because no new child will never totally replace a child lost to an untimely death.

A new child is no substitute… but a new child can help ease the pain of a tragic loss.

Want A Chance To Win A Free Tubal Reversal Surgery?

If you want to enter the Free Tubal Reversal Surgery contest for 2023 then we will start accepting applications in January 2023.

We are constantly being called by website visitors and being asked for a link to the free contest. Many people say they can’t find it on our website. It is very easy to find.

All you have to do is go to the tubal reversal website of A Personal Choice.

Click on the “About” section….and the second item to drop down will be “Free Reversal Surgery”. It is easy to find. If you can’t find it then it is only because your are not looking hard enough.

If you need a direct link then here it is: Free Tubal Reversal Contest 2023

You can easily enter the contest by watching the videos about Dr. Monteith and reversal surgery. Answer the questions at the end and submit your application. We ask that you only enter once. If you have multiple submissions you will not be eligible to win.

We look forward to receiving your application!


Need More Information About Tubal Reversal?

A Personal Choice Tubal Reversal Center is in Raleigh, North Carolina and specializes in tubal ligation, Essure, and vasectomy reversal surgery.

Dr. Monteith specializes in helping couples have more beautiful children with reversal surgery and helping women treat abnormal symptoms after their tubes have been tied!

If you would like more information about reversal, including the cost and success rates, then enter your email address below and you will be emailed more information about reversal.

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Join Our Facebook Group?

Women who need more advice about reversal are encouraged to join A Personal Choice’s public Facebook group:

Facebook Tubal Reversal Group of A Personal Choice

By joining the group you can communicate with other women who have had successfully reversed their tubal ligation and restored their natural fertility.

Have Questions? We’re Happy To Help!

We provide a unique surgical experience with personalized attention and one-on-one care. We make every effort to make your surgery less of a process and more of a life’s experience. Please use the buttons below for answers to our frequently asked questions.

Have a Question? Drop Us A Line!

If you are considering reversal surgery and have questions about the procedure, fill in the form below and we'll get back to you as soon as we can! If you would like to speak with a nurse for a Free Consultation then feel free to call us at (919) 977-5050.

Please view our most frequently asked questions before sending your questions.

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