Many who saw our offer for a free tubal reversal contest did not believe us. People constantly contact Dr. Monteith asking for free surgery. In 2020, Dr Monteith started the first ever contest to win free tubal reversal surgery and once he offered the chance to win a free surgery then the haters came out in full effect!
Some thought it was a joke or a scam. Others felt it was unprofessional to offer a contest for a free surgery…or they would say if a person needed a free surgery then they can’t afford a child to start with…others would say who would go to a doctor who offers a surgery contest?
Dr Charles Monteith and the staff of A Personal Choice Tubal Reversal Center have been fortunate to have a successful practice of providing successful affordable outpatient tubal reversal surgery.
They wanted to make a big difference for a few who may not be able to become parents again because of the financial barriers to treatment.
In 2020, Dr. Monteith was the first tubal reversal specialist ever to offer a contest for free tubal reversal surgery.
Three winners were selected out of approximately 8,000 applications.
Every person who entered deserved to win!!!
Although Dr. Monteith would like to offer every person a free surgery it would not be possible….he would have to operate five days a week for the next 11 years to be able to provide free surgeries to all who entered the tubal reversal contest!
The following are the winners of the first ever Free Tubal Reversal Contest!
Free Tubal Reversal Contest Winner #1!
Winner #1: Ciara
Tubal Ligation Type: Tubal Clips
Hometown: Orange, Texas
Ciara’s Statement:
Hello my name is Ciara, I live in Southeast Texas. I am a wife and mother. I am an ordained minister, a worship and praise leader for Grace United Church and I plan to finish my degree in Women’s and Youth Ministry.
My goal is to specialize in helping other women who are survivors of Domestic Violence. I myself am a Domestic Violence Survivor, my ex-husband forced me to get my tubes tied when I was 25. It took me 10 years to get the courage to escape him and 6 years to heal from my toxic first marriage.
I met and fell in love with my middle school sweetheart after reconnecting in 2018. We were married October 22nd 2018. We are still newly weds and we would love to start a family together.
We have been discussing having children for the past year and we bought a home in June of 2019 to begin out new life together, but after we flooded 4ft in Imelda we lost everything in the process. We have had to perhaps permanently postpone saving the money for my tubal reversal in order to finish rebuilding our home and restart our new life together.
We anticipate completing our home by the end of May 2020 and with its completion our dreams of starting a family once again in our hearts and minds. We will continue to pray and keep our faith in God that he will one day bless us with a bundle of joy to add to our family.
Winning the competition would be such a blessing to us and our dreams of starting our family would finally become a possible reality. Thank you for giving us this opportunity.
Ciara’s Response After Notification of Winning
We are beyond excited and ecstatic to have been chosen as winners for the Personal Choice Free Tubal Reversal Contest. What a Glorious day! We were filled with such joy and rendered speechless when we got the call that we had won. We want to personally thank you Dr. Monteith and your staff for choosing us.
It is such a wonderful and cherished gift and we are beyond grateful to you for this amazing opportunity. Family is of the upmost importance to us, especially to myself, after losing all of my grandparents and my parents in the least 5 years the only family I have left is my husband and my children. Children are the greatest gifts of Love. Losing those you love the most can be utterly heartbreaking but the welcoming of new life can be the most wonderous thing in this life.
We give all honor and Glory to God for his hand in making it possible to us to start a family, because through him all things are possible (Matt 19:26) and we are firm believers that God listens and answers are prayers and that he has answered our prayers through your most generous heart, and charity towards others.
Once again we thank you! We wish you the upmost abundant blessings in which God has prepared for you and keep you and your staff in our prayers.
Prayers and well wishes
Free Tubal Reversal Contest Winner #2!
Winner #2: Kelly
Tubal Ligation Type: Essure
Hometown: Howell, Michigan
Kelly’s Statement:
I’m ready to get my life back. I’m uninsured and saw no way possible to get these horrible devices (essure) out of my body. I
wish I knew then what is known to all of us now.
My kids deserve a much healthier mom. My husband deserves a happier wife. I would love another child but that is not why I want them out. Health for myself is priority.
I just know without Dr. Monteith’s gracious offer I would never have a chance to get my life back Essure free.
Truly thankful.
Free Tubal Reversal Contest Winner #3!
Winner #3: Brittany
Tubal Ligation Type: Cut and tied and burned
Hometown: Louisville, Kentucky
Brittany’s Statement:
I have replayed this question in my mind over and over again. “Why should you be selected as a winner for a free tubal reversal surgery?” Well here it goes!!
I was 21 when I had my tubal ligation. The surgery was performed the day after giving birth to my now 15 year old daughter. Before having my daughter I had a healthy baby boy, who is now 16. I was skeptical of having the tubal ligation surgery but I made the decision to go through with it. My children were by different men, I was 21 and I wasn’t married.
In 2006, my children were removed from my custody. My alcoholic father sought after custody of my children. I soon found myself in a custody battle between family and the state and I lost in 2008. My children were adopted by the foster mother who took them in. Throughout the custody battle I found relief through alcohol and drug usage. My alcoholism continued for the next several years.
On July 27th 2017 I began my journey into sobriety. I have now been sober for a little over 3 years.
For years I have lived in shame and guilt because I was not the mother that I dreamed of being to my children.
My dreams haven’t consisted of being a doctor, lawyer or corporate business owner etc.. My dream consisted of being a mother. A mother to my children that I never had and I failed.
I have since then realized and come to terms with myself that I not only broke my heart but I have broken my children’s hearts. I never wanted my children to experience the heart ache that I experienced growing up without a mother. As I mentioned earlier, my children are 15 & 16. I have not spoken with them since they were 3 & 4 years old. I know they have been adopted by a wonderful family and for that I am forever grateful. I have also come to terms with the fact that I am not their mother. I may have delivered them into this world but I have not mothered them. I know and understand that having another child will not replace or fill the void of my children. I don’t ever wish to do that.
I simply dream of having a family. Not everyone believes in second chances. I do.
Thank you for your time and the opportunity.
Don’t Lose Hope! Enter The 2021 Free Tubal Reversal Contest
The three winners have agreed to accept their free surgeries and have completed all necessary paperwork. If they are unable to make the December surgery dates (and they provide us with enough notice) then we will ask others to take their place.
The 2020 Free Tubal Reversal Contest is officially closed to new entries for 2020; however, the contest will be offered annually by A Personal Choice.
The 2021 Free Tubal Reversal Contest will be open for new entries starting January 1st 2021.
For more information: A Personal Choice Free Tubal Reversal Contest!
If you don’ want to wait another entire year then you are welcome to send us your tubal ligation operative report for a free review.
You can get started scheduling by following these simple steps: Tubal Reversal Steps To Getting Started