Essure does not have to be permanent and pregnancy is possible after Essure reversal.
Tara and her husband Kyle share their story of Essure sterilization and Essure reversal for the benefit of Tubal Reversal Blog readers.
Although Tara was able to quickly become pregnant after her Essure reversal, she also reveals her Essure removal was not simply about having more children.
Essure Procedure Or Vasectomy
Four years ago and after the birth of her last child, Tara decided she did not want to have any more children than the three children she had with her husband Kyle. They discussed permanent options for birth control and were trying to decide between vasectomy and tubal ligation. They were then introduced to the Essure procedure by Tara’s doctor and the couple decided this would be the easiest option for them.
Essure Side Effects: Regret And Bleeding
Two years after her Essure procedure Tara began to have both regret and heavier menstrual cycles. She and Kyle realized they would not mind having additional children in their lives. Tara also noticed increased bleeding during her menstrual cycle.
They then began to consider Essure reversal.
Is Essure Permanent? Is Essure Reversible?
Tara’s doctor told her that her Essure was permanent and not reversible. She was strongly encouraged to pursue IVF. Tara and Kyle did not want to pursue IVF for many reasons but most importantly because they were Catholic and did not want to have to deal with the many ethical hurdles of IVF.
Tara then spoke with her parish priest about birth control, sterilization, and alternative ways to have more children. Her priest referred her to a local Catholic doctor who he thought would be able to help.
Tara made an appointment with this physician who did some research into Essure reversal and who then recommended she come to A Personal Choice for an out-patient Essure sterilization reversal.
Essure Reversal Specialists
Tara and Kyle were willing to travel from Florida to our reversal center because of our experience as Essure reversal specialists.
Tara underwent a successful out-patient Essure reversal.
The Essure coils were removed from her uterus and her remaining fallopian tubes were healthy and in good condition.
She did well after the surgery and was discharged to the hotel for an overnight stay. Tara was visited by our nursing staff the next day and she reported her pain a 3 on a scale of 1 to 10.
She then returned home to Florida with Kyle and recovered without any significant problems.
Essure And Pregnancy
Tara became pregnant three months after her Essure reversal and submitted a Pregnancy Report with a comment about her Essure reversal and pregnancy.
Other patients have also shared their personal stories about Essure reversal and pregnancy.
Essure Reversal Success Rate
Reversing the Essure procedure allows couples the chance to become naturally pregnant without the need for IVF. The Essure is reversed with a tubal implantation procedure. We have extensive experience with tubouterine implantation and have found our pregnancy rate with this procedure is approximately 50%. This is higher than in-vitro fertilization which has a success rate of approximately 35% for each cycle attempted.
Essure Reversal
Essure does not have to be permanent and Essure removal and reversal is possible.
Often people mistakenly think that sterilization reversal is done only because women and their partners want more children. Although this is the reason for most patients, some patients seek sterilization reversal to undo decisions made at stressful times during their lives, to become closer to their religion and to follow the will of God, and to avoid some of the ethical pitfalls associated with the alternative treatment of in vitro fertilization. The Essure coils can be removed and Essure can be reversed during an out patient removal procedure.
For those interested in more information about Essure reversal please call (919)968-4656 to speak with a tubal reversal nurse about reversing your Essure.
Submitted by Dr. Charles Monteith