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“Thank you so much for making it possible to bring these two amazing people into our lives.”

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We have been so blessed to bring another tubal reversal baby into our family.

– Buckatunna, Mississippi

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“It was a leap of faith and we have had a blessed journey.”

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– Nebo, North Carolina

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Warm and inviting, our state of the art surgical facility offers safe, affordable & personalized tubal reversal surgery. Dreams of starting a family become a reality here.

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Dr. Monteith’s Free Tubal Reversal Contest Winners For 2021!

Once again we made it happen! The second annual Free Tubal Reversal Contest was a great success!


Although it may sound ‘kind-of-tacky’ to offer a contest for a free surgery, most people don’t realize health insurance will not pay for tubal ligation reversal and many women feel like they were forced into getting their tubes tied by life’s circumstances beyond their control.

We are constantly contacted by patients asking for free or reduced cost reversal surgery because they don’t think they can afford the cost of tubal reversal surgery (approximately $6,900 with Dr. Monteith) or the cost of a single IVF treatment ($14,000).

By offering a free reversal contest we can help a few women obtain a surgery they may otherwise not be able to afford.

The contest is currently closed for 2021 but will reopen for new applications January 2022. If you would like to enter the contest next year then you should bookmark our contest page and return next year to submit an application. We won’t start accepting new applications until January 2022.

The contest can easily be found on our website under the “About” section. Here is the link to the free tubal reversal contest: Free Tubal Reversal Contest of A Personal Choice

Meet The 2021 Winners!

Before you meet the winners you should know… Dr. Monteith is the only reversal doctor offering the chance to win a free reversal surgery. You will not see this opportunity anywhere else.

If you would like to see the winners of the First Ever Free Reversal Contest of 2020 then visit: Free tubal reversal contest winners 2020

This year three winners were selected out of approximately 2,500 applications. Below are their personal stories about why they had their tubal ligation procedures and why they want tubal reversal surgery.

Latifa After Learning She Was A Winner Free Tubal Reversal Contest

First giving honor to God, who is the head of my life. He’s the reason any of this is even possible!

latifa-is-a-winner-of-the-free-tubal-reversal-contest-2021-a-personal-choiceSecondly, I’d like to thank the staff of A Personal Choice for allowing me to have a second chance to not only bring another blessing into this world, but to be able to restore my health after a long 4 years of my tubal ligation. I can’t begin to express the amount of joy, happiness I felt after being notified I was a tubal reverse contest winner.

God heard my prayers. He knew what I was going through, even when others didn’t. I know there were a lot of us who applied for this miracle. I knew there was a slim chance for this. After I submitted my entry for the contest, I prayed one more time. I put my little hands in his big hands!

So, when I learned I was one of the winners, I kept my composure when gathering the information from the nurse. After we hung up, I screamed so loud with excitement, joy,and tears were running down my face. I say that to say this, never give up! Even when you feel like God isn’t listening trust me, he is! He may not come when you want him, but he’ll be there right on time. My partner and I ore truly grateful for this opportunity and blessing.

Tied and cut tubal ligation
Winston Salem, North Carolina

Latifa Free Tubal Reversal Contest Statement

I should be selected for a free tubal reversal because I’m a awesome, and loving mother of three who still have so much love to give to another. On September 1, 2017 I made by far the the worst decision ( which I thought was best at the time) to get my tubes tied after having my youngest son via c-section. Please allow me to explain.

January 13, 2016 I lost my daughter. On January 13, 2017, I found out I was pregnant with my youngest son! I was extremely happy, but also scared I would lose him as well. I drove myself crazy the entire pregnancy always thinking something will go wrong. I couldn’t bare the emotional stress I’d cause myself, so I decided to get a tubal ligation. Not to mention the relationship I was in was on thin ice. The nurse pleaded with me not to get the surgery.

personal-choice-free-tubal-reversal-contest-Raleigh-ncIt finally hit me 2 years later that I really couldn’t have anymore children. This last year I’ve been looking up tubal ligation success stories, the cost, the best doctors etc. Each time I’ve came across Dr. Monteith. I even called the office to get additional information. I’ve been trying to save just so I could get this surgery, and add one more addition to my family with the love of my life. He loves children! He also love my children as if they were his own. My spouse doesn’t have any children. I would do anything to change that!

It’s 4 am and I’m surfing the web. Once again, I came across Dr.Monteith and this awesome Free Tubal Reversal Contest.  I see how he help other families dealing with the same issues as me. I pray I win this contest and be given a second chance to bring another beautiful soul into this world! I would NEVER rob myself again of creating something so precious. All I need is a helping hand.

If you would like more information about tubal reversal surgery then we encourage you to look at extensive videos that provide more information about tubal reversal with Dr. Monteith

To view our videos: Tubal reversal videos

Linsay After Learning She Was A Winner Free Tubal Reversal Contest

We are so excited to have won this contest! We have been blessed over and over in life and this is just another example and we are so thankful to have been chosen for this giveaway.

linsey-free-tubal-reversal-contest-winner-dr-monteithThis will give us the opportunity for the chance of having a baby before I need to get my tubes removed to prevent cancer because of my BRCA1 gene mutation.

Everything happened so quickly, I knew I was approaching 35 years old and I was having baby fever, but that’s when all the books say fertility starts going down. Then we were hit with the BRCA1 gene mutation news, and it is recommended I get my fallopian tubes and ovaries removed as soon as we are comfortable with the decision. We just can’t be comfortable with that decision when we really want to grow our family.

We will forever be in debt because of the kindness and giving heart of Dr. Monteith. He has turned our dreams into a reality that we can actually see in the near future now and we are so excited and thankful. We still can’t believe this is real and not a dream! We cannot wait to meet him to be able to thank him in person for this amazing opportunity.

Tubal ring tubal ligation
Hannover, Michigan

Linsay’s Free Tubal Reversal Contest Statement

My name is Linsay and I am 34 years old. I am married to my high school sweetheart and we have been together 18 years now. We are both veterans of the United States Marine Corps with honorable discharges. I worked in Criminal Investigation and my husband went to Iraq 3 times as an infantryman between 2006 – 2010. We have been foster parents for hard to place teenagers, and I am currently attending Spring Arbor University getting a master’s degree in counseling with an emphasis on childhood trauma. My husband is a mechanic on the machines at a large bakery where he has been employed for 11 years now. We live in a large farmhouse on 25 acres.

tubal-reversal-contest-baby-a-personal-choice-raleigh-north-carolinaWe can offer a large loving family with lots of close relatives around, 6 cousins, stable parents who have been married 15+ years, a dog, horses, a cow, angora rabbits, chickens, and a large garden to play in to our future child. We enjoy hiking and riding 4 wheelers. We spend time outside enjoying nature every chance we get. When I was 21 years old we made the decision to get my “tubes tied” via the falope ring method because we felt our family was complete, but now believe we were incorrect. I have all my operative notes and even photos they took when they placed the rings. I have had day 3 fertility blood work completed in the last couple months and all my numbers were great.

I ovulate regularly on a 30 day cycle. have been told I am a great candidate for the reversal, but University of Michigan wants over $12,000 for the surgery and while we have a steady income, good insurance, and the capability to give a child everything they need for a happy life we just can’t afford that much money at this point which brings me to my next point and why I am in a hurry to get a reversal.

I was recently diagnosed with a BRCA1 gene mutation making my chances of breast and ovarian cancer much higher than normal. I will be getting a preventative mastectomy and oophorectomy around the time I turn 40 in order to prevent these cancers. Winning this contest would help us complete our family before the necessary surgeries for the BRCA1 gene mutation.

I probably don’t deserve this surgery more than anyone else, but I hope we are selected as a winning couple because we have so much love to give and it would be a dream come true and the only way I could get it done before the surgeries because of the cost. I believe that God blesses those who bless others, and I like to think that my husband and I have done good things in this crazy world for others, and just maybe a little bit of karma will come back to us in the form of a beautiful little miracle that Dr. Monteith helps create 🙂

If you would like more information about reversal surgery and getting pregnant then we encourage you to read Dr. Monteith’s tubal reversal blog: Tubal reversal blog

Paola’s Statement After Notification of Winning!

Paola’s statement was translated from Spanish into English. Winning the tubal reversal contest is a huge blessing to my family and me. It means that dreams come true if you fight for them. You need to fight and not give up.

a-personal-choice-free-tubal-reversal-contest-winner-a-personal-choice-raleigh-north-carolinaYou need to try as many times as possible until you can make it. To believe in yourself because you can do it. It means just as there are unethical people in medicine, there are angels and ethical people like Dr. Monteith and his staff. Whom I thank for selecting me. Winning means getting back a part of me that had been taken away but above all is gaining the hope of the miracle of life.

The happiness that brings hearing the word “Mom” from a little one, a piece of the person I love and me. It means that the big family I dreamed about is no longer just a dream. With faith and the hands of Dr. Monteith and his staff, it will soon be a reality.

Unknown type of tubal ligation
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma


Paola’s Free Tubal Reversal Contest Statement

Paola’s statement was translated from Spanish into English. Hello, my name is Paola. I have two kids. When my second child was born, I was forced to accept a tubal ligation. The birth of my second child happened in the famous IMSS in Mexico. Which is a government medical clinic.

I was young and did not know how to fight for my rights. I was only 22. I was taken care of by some medical practitioners from the moment I arrived to the emergency room. They were very persistent on me signing the tubal ligation consent. I refused to sign the form until they told me I would miss the delivery time and I would lose my baby. The also told me they were going to practice a vertical C-section. I already had a horizontal C-section from my first child. I was afraid at that point of the outcome for refusing a tubal ligation. Just like every mom does, I put my baby first. I ended up agreeing to their terms even if I did not want to.

45-year-old-mom-updates-on-progress-of-tubal-reversal-babyAt the time of the procedure, I noticed the staff was not the same since there was a shift change. There was also the Mexican Navy holiday. As I was being prep for anesthesia, there was nothing else I could do. Unfortunately, I was treated with little tact and attention. I was discharged the next day with only my discharged documents. The only thing I know was that I had a salpingectomy. The documents only stated I had a baby. I tried to get my medical records but was told I could not get information since I was not patient. I came out of the clinic with mixed emotions. On one end, I was happy for the birth of my second child but at the same time I was sad since they had ended my possibilities for future pregnancies. It has been very hard since then, I had always dreamed of having a big family. I was raised in a big family. My parents have many siblings and I have always had a need for a big family. Whatever they did to me was not something I wanted, but as mentioned before I was inexperienced. A year ago, I married a wonderful man who loves my children and me. He, however, does not have any kids and I would love to give him that happiness.

After talking with different people about the this topic, I came across one person that gave me happiness. She told me about this wonderful place. She was a patient and is now expecting her second child after her tubal reversal. This brought me hope and happiness. I was fascinated that she was able to achieve what I thought was impossible. She showed me all there is to know about tubal reversal. I was lucky to find information about the contest.

I was given hope since I did not know this was possible. I did not know there was even an option to be able to become pregnant again. This is the reason why I would love to be chosen for the “Free Tubal Reversal Surgery”. It is amazing to find doctors who love what they do.

Need More Information About Tubal Reversal?

A Personal Choice Tubal Reversal Center is in Raleigh, North Carolina and specializes in tubal ligation, Essure, and vasectomy reversal surgery.

Dr. Monteith specializes in helping couples have more beautiful children with reversal surgery and helping women treat abnormal symptoms after their tubes have been tied!

If you would like more information about reversal, including the cost and success rates, then enter your email address below and you will be emailed more information about reversal.

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Join Our Facebook Group?

Women who need more advice about reversal are encouraged to join A Personal Choice’s public Facebook group:

Facebook Tubal Reversal Group of A Personal Choice

By joining the group you can communicate with other women who have had successfully reversed their tubal ligation and restored their natural fertility.

Have Questions? We’re Happy To Help!

We provide a unique surgical experience with personalized attention and one-on-one care. We make every effort to make your surgery less of a process and more of a life’s experience. Please use the buttons below for answers to our frequently asked questions.

Have a Question? Drop Us A Line!

If you are considering reversal surgery and have questions about the procedure, fill in the form below and we'll get back to you as soon as we can! If you would like to speak with a nurse for a Free Consultation then feel free to call us at (919) 977-5050.

Please view our most frequently asked questions before sending your questions.

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