My training in residency taught me that Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome (PTLS) was a dirty little phrase used by ill-informed doctors to describe the observed, normal aging process in women after a tubal ligation. No one who has taught me that concept has ever met Momzilla. Momzilla is her sign-on name, which she gave me permission to use, for the A Personal Choice message board.
Momzilla came to us at A Personal Choice seeking relief of problems that occurred after her tubal ligation. She is currently 43 years old, is happily married, and has three children. She is employed as a human resource manager and her husband is an attorney.
Momzilla had her tubal ligation three years ago and she describes the gradual onset of symptoms after her tubal ligation. I asked her if we could use her as the subject of a blog featuring our patients. She agreed and after her surgery she emailed me a comprehensive list of her physical problems. Below are her symptoms in her own words,
“Longer clotty periods with a day or so of flooding blood followed by nothing and then bleeding again. (My menstrual periods from the dawn of time prior to that had been regular and predictable to almost the day), horrible insomnia, light-headedness/dizziness (almost passing out on a few occasions), exaggerated PMS and mood swings, absence of libido and an aversion to sex, fatigue, a sense of dread or doom (not depression), withdrawal from my family (almost needing isolation from people), inability to concentrate, fogginess and an awful memory, tingling in extremities, very dry skin no matter how much I drink or how much lotion I used, more frequent headaches, bloating and GI issues, inability to lose my baby weight (I lost my waist), breaking hair that is more oily, breaking nails, changes in perspiration and body odor (sweating and smelling more easily), bad taste in my mouth, more sinusitis and allergies…I think that about covers it..”
She also had told us she had tingling in her legs, which required her to see a neurologist and have a brain MRI. She also increased sugar cravings and gained 15 lbs.
Momzilla told us her story of having a tubal ligation and then noticing the onset of these symptoms. She has seen several doctors and had a variety of inconclusive tests. She found information about PTLS on the Internet and discovered A Personal Choice as well. She was very clear she was not getting a ligation reversal so she could have more kids. She was trying to get her body to be like it was prior to the ligation. She desired a return to her normal state.
I am happy to report Momzilla had a successful tubal ligation reversal. Her surgery went well with Dr. Berger acting as the primary surgeon and me as the assistant. She had good tubal lengths and did well in the recovery room.
Momzilla has kept in touch with us since her surgery and we hope she has a good and speedy recovery. We hope her symptoms abate and we have asked her to keep us closely updated on her progress.
Submitted by Dr. Charles Monteith
Chapel HIll Tubal Reversal Center