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Can My Obgyn Doctor Untie My Tubes?

If you want more kids after having your tubes tied then you probably have a lot of questions…like can my obgyn doctor untie my tubes?

Can-My-Obgyn-Doctor-Untie-My-TubesIf you are like most women you have been doing your research and gathering as much information as possible.

Most women wanting to untie their tubes have a ton of questions!

They wonder if reversal surgery works, does health insurance pay, what is the chance of success, what are the risks, and where can they even go to get their tubes untied.

Many will eventually ask “Can my Obgyn doctor untie my tubes?”

It makes sense you would ask if your doctor can untie your tubes. They tied your tubes, right?

Most people reason if their Obgyn doctors tied their tubes then it only make sense they should be able to untie them. Unfortunately this is not true.

It is always easier to break something rather than fix it.

The reality is most Ob/gyns will tie your tubes but they do not have the experience and skills to untie your fallopian tubes.

What can Obgyns do?

Most Obgyns are comfortable providing routine women’s health care; pap smears, breast exams, and birth control.

Most Ob/gyns offer prenatal care, deliver babies, and perform c-sections. Many will also specialize in female pelvic surgery. Unfortunately the surgeries performed by most Obgyns are limited to hysterectomy (removal of the uterus), removal of ovarian cysts or ovaries, and tubal ligation procedures.

For more information: What is an Obgyn and what do they do?

So most Obgyns can see you in the office for office based care. Some will also provide surgery in the operating room. Most of the surgical procedures involve surgical procedures to treat female pelvic disease and disorders.

Most Obgyns do not offer tubal reversal surgery.

What can Ob/Gyns not do?

Obgyn doctors are a unique group. They are considered primary care doctors but they are also considered specialist in women’s issues. Although some Obgyns can offer a lot of services, most Obgyn doctors will draw the line at providing specialized infertility or cancer treatment.

If you have ovarian cancer or advanced cervical or endometrial cancer you would not want your Ob/Gyn be the main doctor responsible for treating these conditions. You would want to go to a Gynecologic Oncologist…or an Ob/Gyn that has advanced training in cancer treatment.

The same is true when women are experiencing unexplained infertility. If you are having a real problem getting pregnant then you would want to see a Reproductive Endocrinologist…or an Ob/gyn with advanced training in infertility hormonal treatment.

Can Your Ob help with reversal?

can-my-doctor-perform-tubal-ligation-reversal-surgeryIt depends on the doctor. Some Obgyns do have advanced training in tubal reversal surgery but many of them do not. Some will offer tubal reversal but they may not actually do that many surgeries.

If you really want to know can your Ob/Gyn untie your tubes then you should always ask them and see what they say. Most are probably going to tell you tubal reversal won’t work…or that tubal reversal is not possible. Most will do their best to get you to an IVF doctor as soon as they possibly can.

Your Ob/gyn may actually say they can perform reversal surgery for you. If they tell you this then you better watch out because most general Ob/Gyns do not do many tubal reversal surgeries. If they are willing to perform tubal reversal you should ask them the following questions:

  1. What training did they get in reversal surgery?
  2. Where did they obtain training?
  3. How many procedures have they performed?
  4. How may procedures do they do a year, month, or in a week?

If you get vague answers or they say they do less than 15 procedures a year then it may be a good idea to seek reversal surgery elsewhere.

If you think they have good experience then go for it…but realize you may be in better hands if you see a doctor who specializes only in reversal surgery. With tubal reversal surgery, you only have one chance to get it right!

It’s always easier to break it than to fix it!

Tubal ligations…or tying tubes..are surgical procedures that are quick and easy to perform.

You can easily block the fallopian tubes with clamps, rings, suture, or by burning. A tubal ligation surgery can be completed in less than 10 minutes. Most Obgyns have no problem performing your tubal ligation and all health insurance companies are required to pay for tubal ligation procedures.

tubal-ligation-is-like-breaking-fallopian-tubesUntying tubes…or tubal ligation reversal…is not as easy as doing a tubal ligation. Remember, it is always easier to break something rather than fix it.

A tubal ligation can be done in less than 5 minutes. A tubal reversal surgery takes much longer and can last between 1 to 3 hours. Not only is reversal surgery longer, but it requires very specialized instruments like an operative magnification, delicate instruments, and very fine sutures the size of a single eyelash.

These items are very expensive and not kept in common stock by most hospitals. Most hospitals dont have this equipment and most Obgyns do not have much experience using these microsurgical instruments.

Health insurance: We will pay you to break it but not fix it!

Health insurance plans almost never pay for tubal reversal surgery.

Health insurance plans will almost always pay for tubal ligation but will not pay for tubal reversal. Most Ob-gyns only do surgery in hospital operating rooms. This can be very expensive if health insurance is not paying for it. Most hospitals would charge $15,000 to #30,000 for tubal reversal surgery.

Since Ob-gyns dont get formal training in tubal reversal and only perform surgeries in expensive hospital systems without health insurance reimbursement they do not do many tubal reversal surgeries.

This is the main reason your Ob/Gyn is not a good choice to untie your tubes….so if not your Ob/GYn then who can help you?

Can an infertility doctor untie my tubes?

You may be surprised by this but most IVF specialist have little experience with tubal reversal surgery.

Most IVF specialist train in university hospital settings and most of them learn in-vitro fertilization.

Tubal reversal surgery is way too expensive to do in a hospital….so doctors specializing in infertility get almost no experience with reversal surgery during their training years. Most infertility training programs are three years long. If an infertility training doctor gets to observe one reversal surgery a year then they are very fortunate. Most doctors training in infertility see no reversal surgeries during their formative training years.

Most infertility doctors do get extensive experience with IVF.

IVF-has-a-high-chance-of-pregnancy-miscarriageIVF can be used to treat all forms of infertility and can be done in most doctor’s offices…so many doctors will learn IVF instead of also learning about tubal reversal surgery.

The majority of IVF doctors will put information about tubal reveals surgery on their website…it is not because they really offer the surgery. Instead they just want to lure you into the office and find ways to get you to switch to IVF treatment.

This is unfortunate because tubal reversal is a great treatment for women who have had their tubes tied.

The pregnancy success rates with tubal reversal are much better than with IVF for most women (depending on age and type of tubal ligation). Tubal reversal is also much more affordable then IVF. Tubal reversal, in general, costs, half of a single treatment cycle of IVF.

Where can you go for tubal reversal?

There are few places that specialize exclusively in tubal reversal surgery. The sad truth is that, over time, there are fewer and fewer places offering tubal reversal.

Tubal reversal surgery was a popular treatment before IVF was invented in the 1980’s. The doctors who have the most experience with tubal reversal surgery are 60 to 80 years of age. Many of these doctors have retired or will soon be retiring and they are taking their skills and knowledge with them.

As previously explained, most IVF doctor are not offering tubal reversal and will only recommend IVF to all their patients.

Tubal ligations are also becoming more aggressive. Recently doctors have started removing the ends of the tubes or the entire fallopian tubes (salpingectomy).

Because IVF knowledge is widespread and tubal reversal skills are decreasing and there are fewer tubal reversal that can be done…tubal reversal surgery will only become more rare and IVF will soon be the only treatment for a woman wanting to have more kids after tubal ligation.

This is sad because tubal reversal can be so successful….and also helps to restore your fertility, your womanhood, and your reproductive well being. IVF helps you have a baby but IVF does does very little to treat guilt and regret.

Are you a candidate for tubal reversal?

Cut, tied, and burned tubes are reversible…but it depends on how much of each tube was removed and thrown in the trash.

If you would like to know if you are a candidate for tubal reversal then you should send Dr. Monteith a copy of your tubal ligation operative report for a free review.

Dr. Monteith specializes exclusively in affordable outpatient tubal reversal surgery. He is located in Raleigh, NC but patients travel from across the United States to have surgery at his facility.

The following video will provide more information on the best way to find out if you are a candidate for reversal surgery.

Can my Obgyn doctor untie my tubes? Better think twice

If you are still asking “Can my Obgyn doctor untie my tubes?” then you should think long and hard about it.

Most Ob/gyns do not offer tubal reversal surgery. After reading all of the above are you sure you want to take a chance with your general Ob/gyn? Do you really want your Obgyn to try untying your tubes?

If you want the best chance at a successful reversal surgery then you should send Dr. Monteith a copy your records for a free review. He will let you know if you are a candidate for reversal surgery.

If you would like to know if you are a candidate for tubal reversal surgery, then you should send him a copy of your tubal ligation operative report for a free review.

More information: How to send records to Dr Monteith for review?

Untying your tubes is an important step. Make sure you take your time and make the right choice for you, your partner, and your family.

Need More Information About Tubal Reversal?

A Personal Choice Tubal Reversal Center is in Raleigh, North Carolina and specializes in tubal ligation, Essure, and vasectomy reversal surgery.

Dr. Monteith specializes in helping couples have more beautiful children with reversal surgery and helping women treat abnormal symptoms after their tubes have been tied!

If you would like more information about reversal, including the cost and success rates, then enter your email address below and you will be emailed more information about reversal.

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Women who need more advice about reversal are encouraged to join A Personal Choice’s public Facebook group:

Facebook Tubal Reversal Group of A Personal Choice

By joining the group you can communicate with other women who have had successfully reversed their tubal ligation and restored their natural fertility.

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If you are considering reversal surgery and have questions about the procedure, fill in the form below and we'll get back to you as soon as we can! If you would like to speak with a nurse for a Free Consultation then feel free to call us at (919) 977-5050.

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