The following email correspondence was forwarded to Dr. Berger by Lynn F. from Laguna Niguel, CA whose tubal reversal baby, Connor, is shown here proudly.
Tubal Reversal Question
My name is Leslie. I’m from California and currently remarried at 37. I had my tubal ligation 15 years ago and now my current husband and I want a baby together. We have researched and researched this for 2 years, and now have the money to go ahead with reversal surgery. I am in contact with A Personal Choice, and was hoping to get some feedback from someone who has gone through this with success. I’m so nervous in choosing a doctor, and don’t know what to believe on various websites. I know you understand this decision is critical and hope to hear your personal thoughts and your experience.
Tubal Reversal Advice
Hi Leslie – I’m so glad to hear from you, as I was in your very same shoes not so long ago. I’ve researched tubal reversals for 7 years since my seven year old was born back in 2005! I come from a family of physicians. My father and brothers are doctors and I have done my share of due diligence.
Dr. Berger has an outstanding track record and is literally world renown for his studies and medical articles that he’s written for the medical profession. You can Google him if you haven’t done so already. Others have claimed to be the best and may perform surgery for a cheaper fee, but that wasn’t my issue. Ultimately no one can compare against his statistics. That said, I’ve followed his track record extensively along with a few other doctors and quickly came to the realization that, if I was in fact serious about this issue, he was my ONLY concrete choice. No other doctor has performed more reversal surgeries and have had more successes – period. All the research had led me back to Dr. Berger time and time again. It took me that six years to convince my husband of 16 years to go through with this, as we had three boys already.
It’s a personal choice as a woman that propelled me forward in my decision making. With the strong support of my husband and my faith and hope in the higher powers that be, I really needed to give it my best shot. It’s definitely a dice roll but worth taking the chance on. After all life is short. Stand true to your convictions as you may very well be pleasantly surprised! I have to admit, I went in with an open mind, though with some hesitation a bit and was wary, but trying outweighed not trying by a thousand percent! Dr. Berger made no promises when I met him before the surgery, but he reaffirmed what I had said, which was “to just have hope”.
As I type this letter I hold my precious 9 week old son Connor in my arms, and am so very thankful for him and the decision I made taking a flight to the east coast last March to have the reversal procedure. By the way, in realization we subconsciously named our son Connor after the very place (street) that made it possible for him to be here, if you can believe that! If you have any questions or just want to talk or meet for coffee here’s my cell.
All the best in your decision making and hope this helps. It is a big life changing decision to choose the best tubal reversal doctor and you want the odds in your favor as best you can, but I think you already made that decision from what I’m gathering. Looking forward to hearing your next steps as you and I both know time is ticking against our female biological clocks.
Warmest regards,
Lynn F.