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Best Procedure To Reverse Adiana Tubal Ligation

Adiana is not a common tubal ligation procedure. Most people, including doctors, don’t know very much about Adiana tubal ligation.

best-procedure-to-reverse-adiana-tubal-ligationAdiana was one of the newest forms of tubal ligation.

We emphasize “was” because Adiana is no longer being offered to women. Adiana was removed from the health care market shortly after being released.

Adiana tubal ligation was marketed as a ‘non-surgical’ option to traditional cutting and tying tubal ligations because Adiana could easily be done in a doctor’s office without anesthesia.

Although Adiana was created as an easier tubal ligation procedure, reversing Adiana tubal ligation is not easy. Most tubal reversal doctors will not even attempt to reverse Adiana.

Dr. Charles Monteith is a tubal reversal expert who works at A Personal Choice in Raleigh, North Carolina. A Personal Choice is a center dedicated to reversal of all types of tubal ligation (even vasectomy). Dr. Monteith can even reverse Adiana tubal ligation.

Dr. Monteith believes the best procedure to reverse Adiana tubal ligation is an outpatient tubouterine implantation procedure. With this reversal procedure natural conception can be restored. Pregnancy can occur naturally and in-vitro fertilization (IVF) is not required.

After having the best procedure to reverse Adiana tubal ligation with Dr. Monteith you will have a good chance at becoming naturally pregnant.

Reversing Adiana Tubal Ligation With Dr Monteith

baby-born-after-procedure-to-reverse-adiana-tubal-ligationDr. Monteith reverses Adiana  with considerable success.

One of Dr. Monteith’s Adiana reversal patients sent this testimonial after her procedure to reverse Adiana tubal ligation was successful.

Dr. Monteith

I am just finally sending or miracles picture, we are so grateful!

Patient age: 40
Tubal ligation type: Adiana reversal
Patient hometown: Erie, Pennsylvania

What Exactly Is Adiana Tubal Ligation?

The Adiana device was created in the late 1990’s. The Adiana tubal ligation procedure was performed in the early 2000’s.

The main benefit of Adiana tubal ligation was that it was easy to do. The procedure could be done in the office using local anesthesia. A trip to the operating room was not necessary.

During the Adiana procedure, the doctor inserts a small silicone device into the very opening of each fallopian tube. The Adiana device stays in place and causes scar tissue to grow into the device.

The growth of scar tissue is what locks the Adiana device in place, causes permanent blockage of the fallopian tubes, and prevents pregnancy.

Adiana-tubal-ligation-deviceAlthough Adiana tubal ligation was initially promising, the device had an unacceptably high rate of failure.

The failure rates ranged from 5% to 15%. The Adiana procedure was also too similar to the Essure tubal ligation ( a tubal ligation procedure where the doctor inserts a small metal spring into the opening of each fallopian tube).

Soon after being released, the Adiana device was removed from the US healthcare market because the Adiana insert was considered to have violated the patent rights of the Essure device manufacturers.

Most women who got the Adiana device did so while enrolled in early medical studies. A few women got the device from their doctors just after the device was approved. The Adiana device was removed soon after approval.

The Adiana procedure was never very popular and not many women currently have the Adiana device as their method of birth control. The short life span and the limited number of women who have Adiana is why most women and health care professionals are unfamiliar with Adiana tubal ligation.

Best Procedure To Reverse Adiana Tubal Ligation

Adiana is not really a tubal ligation because ‘ligation’ means to tie. During an Adiana procedure, the device causes the tube to heal closed from the inside. Technically, Adiana causes tubal occlusion (or closure).  Unfortunately the Adiana devices causes tubal occlusion in the smallest part of the fallopian tube and this is why it is harder to reverse.

Dr. Monteith was one of the first surgeons to successfully reverse Adiana tubal occlusion. He published his first medical paper on the best procedure to reverse Adiana tubal ligation in the Journal of Fertility and Sterility:

Normal pregnancy after outpatient tubouterine implantation in patient with Adiana sterilization

Dr. Monteith performs outpatient tubouterine implantation as his preferred procedure to reverse Adiana tubal ligation.

tubouterine-implantation-is-best-procedure-to-reverse-adiana-tubal-ligationDuring this procedure, the fallopian tubes are detached from the uterus in the area where each tube attaches to the uterus. The tubes are then reinserted in a new area of the uterine muscle. This allows the tubal blockage to be bypassed. This procedure is a tubouterine procedure.

The chance of pregnancy after Adiana reversal is approximately 40%. Should Adiana reversal be successful then patients can become pregnant more than once….each month patients have a chance…and patients can even have more than one child.

More Information About Tubouterine Implantation

For more information call visit Dr. Monteith’s website: A Personal Choice Tubal Reversal Center

Dr. Monteith also maintains an informative YouTube Chanel: Tubal Reversal With Dr. Monteith

When searching through the videos you will find the video about Essure removal and Essure reversal to be the most helpful. The procedure to reverse Essure tubal ligation is the same procedure used to reverse Adiana tubal ligation.

You are also welcome to call his office at (919) 977-5050 for more information about the best procedure to reverse Adiana tubal ligation.

Need More Information About Tubal Reversal?

A Personal Choice Tubal Reversal Center is in Raleigh, North Carolina and specializes in tubal ligation, Essure, and vasectomy reversal surgery.

Dr. Monteith specializes in helping couples have more beautiful children with reversal surgery and helping women treat abnormal symptoms after their tubes have been tied!

If you would like more information about reversal, including the cost and success rates, then enter your email address below and you will be emailed more information about reversal.

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Women who need more advice about reversal are encouraged to join A Personal Choice’s public Facebook group:

Facebook Tubal Reversal Group of A Personal Choice

By joining the group you can communicate with other women who have had successfully reversed their tubal ligation and restored their natural fertility.

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