My first day back at work was the beginning of my second week of recovery.
I work as a receptionist so I have somewhat of a desk job, but I do have to get up and down to get files, answer phones, and assist clients. I took my heating pad to work with me those first few days.
I only worked half a day Friday and I was exhausted by the end of the half day shift.
Returning To Work After Tubal Reversal…Very Emotional
Saturday was the worst. As tired as I was I didn’t rest well so and I woke up Saturday already tired. And I was emotional. VERY emotional. I was working a four and a half hour shift that day, that is a short day at the veterinary clinic where I work. I stopped to get biscuits for everyone who was working that morning. Our vet walked by to say thanks for breakfast and I burst into tears. I didn’t think Saturday would ever end! I went home and went to bed and slept the rest of the day and most of Sunday too.
Sunday was the day to clip the suture knots. Mine were already raised up some from skin level, so I didn’t have to pull them up a lot. I used fingernail clippers to cut them. Monday came and I was back at work again. By then I felt better and was able to do most things my job required except lifting or bending down. I wasn’t getting as tired as I was before.
Tubal Reversal Incision…Slight Redness
I was beginning to notice, in the middle of my incision, was a small red place.
The red area was raised and looked almost like a pimple. I started putting neosporin on it and keeping a band aid on it. It eventually got a small head on it but never burst, so I just kept a close eye on it.
At the end of my second week I got an email from Brenna asking how things were going. I told her about the redness and she advised me to go to my doctor if I saw draining fluid or noticed a foul odor.
Shortly thereafter, the redness had started diminishing and it seemed to be on its way to healing.
Symptoms After Tubal Reversal Surgery: Improving
By this point I had already noticed some changes in my health.
I usually have bad allergies and used nasal sprays quite often to relieve sinus congestion. I would have sneezing fits and at work the joke was that I went nowhere without my box of Kleenexes. I haven’t had a single sneezing fit like I would have previous to tubal reversal surgery and have all but stopped relying on sprays to be able to breathe. I also had extremely dry skin and was constantly having a crawly feeling mostly on my back. I would literally scratch my back till I had sore spots that skin was missing off of. Since my surgery that feeling has also gone away and aside from an occasional itch, my back no longer bothers me.
At this point I haven’t had a menstrual period to be able to compare to, but its due any day, so I will report those results to. Two weeks after tubal reversal and I feel so much better already!
Thank you Dr. Monteith!
Submitted by Georgia Peach
Readers can view Georgia Peach’s first and subsequent submissions The Tubal Reversal Journey of Georgia Peach.
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If You Are Interested in Tubal Reversal…
Readers interested in having tubal surgery for blocked tubes or to reverse tubal ligation can visit our website A Personal Choice for more information.
Anyone interested can also call (919) 968-4656 for a free nurse consultation.
Personal Story Of Tubal Reversal
Personal stories about tubal reversal surgery can be found in our daily submitted Patient Satisfaction Messages and on our Tubal Reversal Blog.