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No Needle No Scalpel Vasectomy Course For Doctors

Dr. Monteith is offering a no needle no scalpel vasectomy course for doctors who want to offer vasectomy services in their current practices.

sign-up-for-no-needle-no-scalpel-vasectomy-course-for-doctorsVasectomy is the safest form of long term birth control.

Unlike tubal ligation, vasectomy can easily be done in the office using local anesthesia in less than 15 minutes. Many couples and single men will choose to have vasectomy because it is easier and safer than tubal ligation.

Vasectomy is a popular method of permanent birth in the United States. Vasectomy could even be more popular if we make obtaining a vasectomy easier. Unfortunately, there are many barriers for men seeking vasectomy.

If we can increase the number of doctors offering easy to obtain, minimally invasive vasectomy then we could save a lot of women from having to choose tubal ligation and also increase then number of men having vasectomy.

Primary care doctors are well suited to provide vasectomy but they have limited training in vasectomy. As a result, Dr. Monteith is offering no needle, no scalpel vasectomy course for doctors who are serious about offering vasectomy.

Who can do vasectomy?

Any doctor can do vasectomy. In fact, you don’t really even have to be a doctor to be able to provide vasectomy procedures.

Most people think you have to be a Urologic specialist to offer vasectomy. You DO NOT have to be a Urologist to offer vasectomy.

If appropriately trained and with appropriate physician oversight, mid-level providers can also offer vasectomy; Nurse Practitioners, Midwives, Physician Assistants, etc.

The problem with most primary care doctors is they do not get adequate vasectomy training during residency.

If you do not get adequate training during residency then you will either be 1) terrible at doing vasectomy, 2) not offer the procedure at all, or 3) have to seek additional training to provide the procedure with confidence.

Most primary care doctors will end up not performing vasectomy procedures.

Most primary care doctors will not seek additional training because there are very few opportunities for training in vasectomy after residency. This is one reason Dr. Monteith is offering a no-scalpel vasectomy course for doctors.

Benefits of offering no needle, no scalpel vasectomy

Offering vasectomy provides big benefits to both patients and doctors. No needle, no scalpel vasectomy is one of the safest forms of permanent sterilization.

Patient benefits. If the patient can have their vasectomy performed by a highly trained doctor who offers barrier free vasectomy then they are usually very happy patients. Most patients only have vasectomy once in their lives. So it is very important they have the best vasectomy procedure available provided by a skilled vasectomy doctor.

When the above happens…that patient usually leaves the office a very happy person. He is happy his vasectomy is over with. He is happy his vasectomy did not hurt as much as he thought it would. He is happy it was a fast quick and efficient procedure.

He will usually tell a friend and over time those friends will tell more friends. The doctor will end up providing many more vasectomy procedures as a result of that one good procedure that was performed on that one happy patient.

The key is having the knowledge and training to be able to perform a safe, comfortable vasectomy procedure.

Doctor benefits. Vasectomy is a safe procedure. No one dies from a vasectomy.

happy-no-scalpel-vasectomy-doctorThere are no serious, life threatening complications that require hospitalizations or prolonged care. This should be reassuring for the vasectomy doctor. This will offer you a less stressful professional life.

Vasectomy also reimburses relatively well. A primary care doctor can perform vasectomy 1 to 3 days a week and make a similar salary, if not more, than a fellow colleague who is working 40+ hours with hospital/ED call coverage.

Doctors who provide vasectomy have the satisfaction they are providing a meaningful service that has a significant impact upon the patient, his partner, his children, and the world.

Can you also feel the same way when you are writing a note to someone to get out of work because of a headache or that person who is trying to get disability for a medical problem that does not qualify for disability?

Happy patients and happy life: what more could you ask for?

How does the no needle no scalpel vasectomy course work?

Once a doctor agrees to have training they will travel to Raleigh, North Carolina to work directly with Dr. Monteith.

The goal will be to complete at least 40 no needle, no scalpel vasectomy procedures over 4 to 8 weeks.

During this time, participants will also have the opportunity to observe Dr. Monteith performing procedures. You can learn just as much from watching as you can from doing…so watching is equally as important as doing.

More information about the no needle no scalpel vasectomy training course:
No-scalpel vasectomy training with Dr Monteith in Raleigh NC

sign-up-for-the-no-scalpel-vasectomy-training-course-with-dr-monteithDr. Monteith will also teach doctors about vasectomy complications…both how to prevent complications and how to manage vasectomy complications.

Unfortunately, Dr. Monteith will not be training mid-level providers. It is not because he does not believe in them…but it is because he ultimately has to train or have full faith and confidence in their supervising physician.

If Dr. Monteith trains a physician then they will develop a career relationship while providing vasectomy. If a mid-level changes jobs then Dr. Monteith would be responsible, to some degree, for training or certifying the new supervising physician. He does not see this as a productive process or productive use of his time.

How does vasectomy mentorship work?

Dr. Monteith will not only provide training but also an ongoing mentorship with physicians who train with him. He will assist with helping the doctors to develop a dedicated vasectomy website, appointment scheduling app, and procedure payment systems.

Dr. Monteith will also assist doctors with obtaining vasectomy equipment, office equipment, and disposable medical supplies. He will also make sure doctors understand how instruments should be decontaminated, cleaned, and sterilized.

This is not only a training but an ongoing mentorship. The goal is to create competent vasectomy providers and increase patient access to easily obtainable vasectomy.

Who is Dr. Charles Monteith?

In most countries with centralized health care, vasectomy is provided by family physicians.

If you try to have your vasectomy in Canada, New Zealand, Australia, or the United Kingdom then there is a very good chance your vasectomy will not be done by a Urologist but more likely by a primary care physician. This makes sense when you are trying to provide greater access to preventative health procedures like vasectomy.

Dr. Monteith is an Obstetrician Gynecologist who realized the important role of vasectomy in Women’s Health Care. Much of his career was focused on women almost to the exclusion of men. Although it is understandable that an Ob/Gyn does not focus on men…. Dr. Monteith never believed in having a career limiting mindset.

vasectomy-training-course-raleigh-north-carolina-dr-monteithDuring his training, he was expected to perform male circumcisions. So even with his training as an Ob/Gyn he was not expected to limit his patient population only to female patients. If he could provide contraception and sterilization options to women then why could he also not do the same for men? Why could he not also provide vasectomy?

After residency, Dr. Monteith sought additional training in minimally invasive vasectomy and has performed over 7,000 successful vasectomy procedures during his first twelve years of offering the procedure. In 2022, he created the His Choice No Cut Vasectomy technique and started a no scalpel vasectomy training course for primary care physicians. 

The His Choice No Cut Vasectomy technique is a minimally invasive no needle, no scalpel technique performed through a single skin opening. This vasectomy can be performed in less than fifteen minutes without a consultation visit. This vasectomy procedure uses 72 hour extended release local anesthesia for longer pain control and greater patient satisfaction. Men are back to normal activity in 48 hours.

Frozen peas and ice are not required with a His Choice No Cut vasectomy!

Need More Information About Tubal Reversal?

A Personal Choice Tubal Reversal Center is in Raleigh, North Carolina and specializes in tubal ligation, Essure, and vasectomy reversal surgery.

Dr. Monteith specializes in helping couples have more beautiful children with reversal surgery and helping women treat abnormal symptoms after their tubes have been tied!

If you would like more information about reversal, including the cost and success rates, then enter your email address below and you will be emailed more information about reversal.

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Join Our Facebook Group?

Women who need more advice about reversal are encouraged to join A Personal Choice’s public Facebook group:

Facebook Tubal Reversal Group of A Personal Choice

By joining the group you can communicate with other women who have had successfully reversed their tubal ligation and restored their natural fertility.

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If you are considering reversal surgery and have questions about the procedure, fill in the form below and we'll get back to you as soon as we can! If you would like to speak with a nurse for a Free Consultation then feel free to call us at (919) 977-5050.

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