Removing Tubal Clamps
Removing tubal clamps can provide one of the highest chances of tubal reversal success.
Unfortunately, many people think if the clamps are simply taken off the tubes then it will be easy to become pregnant. This is not true.
To become pregnant after tubal clamps are placed, the clamps must be removed from the tubes, the closed tubal ends must be reopened, and the reopened ends surgical rejoined with tubal reversal surgery.
Dr. Monteith specializes in tubal clamp removal and tubal reversal surgery.
This photo was recently sent by a proud mother who had her tubal clamps removed with
Dr. Monteith of A Personal Choice.
Patient age: 40
Tubal ligation type: Tubal clips (clamps)
Patient hometown: Raeford, North Carolina
More information: Pregnant 3 Weeks After Tubal Clamps Removed!
What is the chance of getting pregnant after removing tubal clamps?
If the tubal clamps are simply taken off then pregnancy will not happen. The chance of pregnancy is essentially 0%.
Many women will have their primary doctors remove the tubal clamps in hopes they will become pregnant. What many of these women don’t understand is tubal clamps cause permanent blockage of the fallopian tubes. The only way this blockage can be repaired is with microsurgical tubal reversal surgery.
Dr. Monteith specializes in microsurgical tubal reversal surgery. The chance of pregnancy after removing tubal clamps with Dr Monteith can be as high as 80% to 90%.
For more information: Chance of success with tubal reversal surgery
Removing tubal clamps with Dr Monteith can provide couples with a more affordable and more effective way to become pregnant than the alternative to in vitro fertilization (IVF).