Can Essure be removed? Can Essure be reversed?
These are two questions we are frequently asked by patients who contact A Personal Choice.
Essure removal, reversal, and pregnancy are all possible.
Michelle and Harrison are proof pregnancy can occur after an Essure reversal. This couple traveled to us from Colorado for Essure coil removal.
They are now happily pregnant after their Essure reversal and Michelle is due to deliver within several weeks.
Tubal Ligation Or Essure Sterilization?
Michelle was a stay at home mom and she had three children very close in age: 4,3, and 1. After her third child, she began researching the benefits or tubal ligation vs the Essure sterilization procedure.
She decided on having an Essure sterilization because the procedure did not have to be done in the hospital, she would not have to have any incisions made on her abdomen, and she would recover quicker. She chose to have an Essure sterilization over a tubal ligation.
Michelle soon became divorced and found herself on her own in her early twenties and with three children.
Essure Removal After Mom Changes Life
Michelle’s mother was at a bar one day and she started talking to a cute guy. His name was Harrison. She thought he would be a great guy to introduce to her daughter…so she took a picture with her cell phone and sent it to Michelle! It was love at first sight and after a brief introduction the two hit it off and soon became engaged.
Michelle is currently a stay at home mom and is in Nursing School. Harrison is active duty military and is stationed at Fort Lewis in Washington state. They have a long distance relationship but plan to be together and get married in the near future.
Michelle soon began thinking about having more children and she then began researching Essure removal.
Essure Reversal Or IVF: Which Is Better?
Michelle researched her pregnancy options and was trying to choose between Essure reversal or IVF.
She eventually decided not to pursue IVF because it was not 100% and was too expensive. She was quoted $25-45,000 by her local IVF provider for a program which allowed a maximum of 4 IVF cycle attempts. The hormones and technical aspects of the treatment were not appealing to Michelle so she decided to come to A Personal Choice for Essure reversal.
Essure Sterilization Reversal
Michelle traveled from Colorado for Essure sterilization reversal. Her surgery lasted 54 minutes, both Essure coils were removed, and the healthy portion of the tubes were reinserted into her uterine cavity (tubouterine implantation) to bypass the Essure induced tubal blockage.
She did well in the recovery room and was discharged to the local hotel to recover.
Pregnancy After Essure Reversal
Pregnancy after Essure reversal took a little time since Harrison is active duty military and has been apart from Michelle because of military obligations.
Michelle had her first positive pregnancy test eight months after Essure reversal!
Michelle’s first pregnancy after Essure found its way into her uterus and has been developing safe and sound. She is due to give birth in April of 2011.
Michelle’s experience offers proof that Essure can be removed, Essure can be reversed, and natural pregnancy after Essure reversal is indeed possible. We will update readers as soon as we receive the news of delivery from Michelle and Harrison.
Can Essure Be Removed?
For more information about Essure coil removal readers should call (919) 968-4656 for a free consultation with a reversal nurse specialists.