“This blessing wouldn’t have been possible without you.”
Posted 2nd April, 2012
This photo is of the blessing that wouldn’t have been possible without you! Tubal Reversal Baby Lillie-Reese.
Update posted 29th August, 2012
My Monteith miracle (Lillie Reese) turned one Aug. 26th. We wanted to thank you again and wanted to share a photo of the love of our lives. My husband and I will have many stories to share with her about how you made her life possible and the wonderful experience we had while we were there.
Brandy W.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Doctor who performed your surgery: Dr. Monteith
Date of your tubal reversal: 03/22/2010
Date of Baby’s Birth: 08/26/2011
Baby’s Name(s): Lillie-Reese
Baby’s Gender: Female
Baby’s Weight: 5 lbs 7 oz
Baby’s Length: 17 inches
Ligation method: Coagulation (burned)
More Information on how Tubal Reversal Makes Babies Possible