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Pregnancy After Essure: Our Statistics

Pregnancy After Essure Reversal
Chances of Pregnancy After Surgery At Our Center

Can you reverse Essure?

Pregnancy after Essure is possible when you have Essure reversal at our center.

Essure sterilization is intended to be permanent, but with our expertise Essure does not have to be permanent and pregnancy is possible. We were the first doctors in the world to publish successful reports of full term pregnancies after surgical reversal of both Essure and Adiana sterilization procedures.

Since our initial reports we have performed over one hundred and twenty-nine (129) outpatient surgeries to correct these newer types of tubal ligation procedures.

Chances of pregnancy after Essure: Our statistics

From January 2008 to January 2014, we performed one hundred and twenty nine (129) Essure and Adiana corrective surgeries. Of this group, one hundred and twenty five (125) women had tubal blockage from Essure sterilization and four (4) had blockage from Adiana sterilization.

Of the 125 patients who underwent surgery to correct Essure and Adiana, 92 of these women had reversal to become pregnant. All surgeries were performed as outpatient procedures at our specialty center.

Of the 92 women who had reversal surgery, 68 have had 12 months or more to conceive. Of these 68 women, 24 have reported pregnancy. The pregnancy rate after reversal of Essure or Adiana at our center is 35.3%.

There have been a total of 17 separate patients who reported a total of 17 births after reversal of Essure

One patient had a vaginal birth. The other 16 underwent elective C-section, per our recommendation, to minimize the risk of pregnancy complications.

Readers are encouraged to view: Comments from our Essure reversal patients.

Risks of Essure reversal: Our statistics

One patient had unexplained abdominal pain 72 hours after reversal and underwent a laparoscopy by her local doctor with normal post surgical findings. She subsequently became pregnant and delivered a healthy baby (our first Essure reversal baby). None of our patients reported ectopic pregnancy or uterine rupture as delayed complications after Essure reversal.

Tubouterine implantation has been the historical gold standard for reversal of proximal tubal occlusion but has also been associated with an increased risk of uterine rupture during labor. For maximal safety of both mother and baby, we advise our Essure reversal patients to have a scheduled cesarean delivery with future pregnancies to minimize the possible risk of uterine rupture during labor.

Our experience demonstrates outpatient reversal of Essure at our center is safe.

Getting pregnant after Essure

Essure reversal expert performing outpatient Essure reversal.Our initial Essure pregnancy analysis in early 2013 suggested the pregnancy rate was 29% after reversal of Essure.

With more follow-up time we have seen the chance of pregnancy after reversal of Essure increase to 35.3%.

With a larger number of Essure patients we have also been able to improve on our surgical techniques and increase the chance of removing the devices without leaving fragments and also surgical techniques which may be more likely to result in pregnancy for our patients.


IVF or Essure reversal

The chance of pregnancy after Essure reversal at our center is 35.3%. The chance of pregnancy after in-vitro fertilization (IVF) is approximately 36.8 % for each cycle attempted. A single cycle of IVF costs approximately $14,000.

There is no data to suggest what the success rate of IVF is when the Essure coils are allowed to remain; however, several case reports do exist of successful IVF with Essure coils left in place.

If the Essure coils project into the uterine cavity this may decrease the success of IVF and may increase the risks of a pregnancy complication. There are no studies to suggest what the success rate of IVF is when the coils are left in place. Limited case reports suggest minimal risks to pregnancy in women who become pregnant after Essure failure or with IVF.

Although case reports exist that demonstrate IVF is possible in women with Essure coils, we have had several patients who have had IVF failure with their Essure coils in place. These women had significant coil projection into the uterine cavity and were more likely to complain of increased cramping and bleeding after their Essure devices were inserted.

If you are considering IVF with your Essure coils in place then we recommend you consider a hysteroscopy with your doctor before starting IVF treatment to investigate if your Essure coils are projecting into the uterine cavity.

Costs of Essure reversal

For more information about the cost of Essure reversal, please visit: Essure reversal cost.

More information about Essure reversal

We would like our patients to be very informed when making decisions about having surgery at our center.

If you would like more information about pregnancy after Essure reversal, Essure removal, and surgery safety at our center then we encourage you to view a new section of our website created for referring health care providers: For Physicians

Have a Question? Drop Us A Line!

If you are considering reversal surgery and have questions about the procedure, fill in the form below and we'll get back to you as soon as we can! If you would like to speak with a nurse for a Free Consultation then feel free to call us at (919) 977-5050.

Please view our most frequently asked questions before sending your questions.

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What Would You Like to Schedule?

Tubal Reversal Or Essure Reversal

Vasectomy Reversal

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