The tubal reversal doctors at A Personal Choice perform over 800 tubal ligation reversals every year. We perform tubal reversals on patients from all over the United States and across the world. We have become experts in unblocking blocked tubes.
Every one of our patients brings with them a unique story. Periodically, we like to present their stories so readers can see the diverse walks of life from which our patients come.
On December 1st 2008, I meet Dorinda and asked her if she would participate in our Tubal Reversal Blog. She agreed and here is her story:
Dorinda’s Quest for Reversal of Blocked Tubes
Dorinda came here from Rock Hill, South Carolina (S.C.) for reversal of tubal ligation. She is a 27-year-old loan collections agent and has two young children. Four years ago and after the birth of her last child, Dorinda had bipolar cautery tubal ligation. Her new partner, Willy, is the manager of a hair salon and he has a son from a prior relationship. After meeting Willy, Dorinda gradually began to regret having her ‘tubes tied and burnt’. Willy and Dorinda want to have a child together and Willy desperately wants to have a daughter.
Affording Tubal Ligation Reversal
Dorinda looked into tubal ligation reversal three years before she actually made the decision. After meeting Willy, she began to seriously consider a tubal reversal. She wanted to have the surgery sooner; however, she could not afford the cost of tubal reversal at that time. She had to delay having her reversal of tubal ligation and then, sadly, her father passed away.
Dorinda’s father was aware she wanted to have another child. At the time of his death, he specifically requested that money be left for her to have her tubal reversal surgery. Dorinda was fortunate to receive this money and several months after the passing of her father she was able to make the payment to have her tubes untied. Dorinda was finally ready for tubal ligation reversal surgery.
Could Dorinda’s Tubes be Repaired?
In preparation for surgery, Dorinda sent the operative report of her tubal ligation procedure for our evaluation. A disturbing description was the cauterization of 5 cm of the fallopian tubes on both sides.
The fallopian tube is 10-12cm long. On average, most tubal cauterization procedures involve 1-2 cm of tube. The amount of tubal damage during a cauterization procedure usually extends beyond the amount of tube that is seen to be coagulated during the procedure. Dorinda’s fallopian tube was cauterized for 5 cm. If the amount of tubal damage extended for 2 cm on each side, then Dorinda might not have any tubes left to repair or have only extremely short segments.
We were worried her fallopian tubes might not be repairable. We recommended Dorinda undergo a screening diagnostic laparoscopy. This procedure would allow us to look at her tubes with a small camera via a small incision and evaluate the possibility of repairing her blocked tubes. Dorinda decided to bypass the laparoscopy and proceed with minilaparotomy in hopes that her blocked tubes could be repaired. She wanted us to attempt any tubal repair that was possible. She was aware a repair might not be technically possible but decided to leave things in God’s hands.
Dorinda’s Blocked Tubes Were Repairable
We interviewed Dorinda the day of her surgery. Her sister accompanied her. We answered her questions and explained the concern of a difficult tubal repair given the description of her operative note.
Dorinda underwent reversal surgery. During her operation, healthy fallopian tubal segments of 3-4 cm were present on both sides. It appeared a large amount of tube had been cauterized and this was the portion closest to the uterus. Dorinda also developed tubal endometriosis since her initial tubal ligation procedure. The combination of extensive coagulation of the tube and endometriosis caused increased scarring of the tube and uterus.
We were able to remove most of the endometriosis and repair her tubes with the technique of tubouterine anastamosis. The increased scarring caused her surgery to be slightly longer than our average reversal; however, we had completed her successful tubal reversal on both sides after approximately 90 minutes of operating time.
Dorinda did well both during and after the surgery. I met with her after the surgery in the recovery room and discussed the operative results with her and her sister. We examined her the day after surgery and she was then ready to return home.
Comment by Dr. Monteith
We are able to repair at least one fallopian tube at least 98% of the time and both fallopian tubes over 90% of the time.
Very often we encounter difficult conditions, such as scar tissue formation and endometriosis, that makes tubal reversal surgery challenging. We have a large surgical volume, which keeps us in practice, but it is our specialization and commitment to tubal ligation reversa that sets us apart from other doctors.
Our patients typically have a high success rate for pregnancy after tubal reversal. The frequent Patient Satisfaction Messages we receive demonstrate our commitment to successful tubal ligation reversal. We attempt to repair as many fallopian tubes as we possibly can and we try to nothing stand in the way of our objective.
I told Dorinda she was very lucky to have had both tubes repaired given the extent of endometriosis and scarring of the tubes and uterus.
I also think Dorinda’s father was in some way watching over her…