Are you considering tubal ligation reversal surgery? Have you found yourself wondering what infertility test you may need?
Many opinions exist about what tests are needed before either IVF or tubal reversal and, unfortunately, these tests can be expensive and can actually deter patients from having infertility treatment.
We recently reviewed a list of 8 biased ‘facts’ published by an IVF expert: So Called “Facts” About Tubal Ligation Reversal Surgery!
The 5th item on the IVF experts biased ‘facts’ list was:
Other infertility factors need to be considered before having tubal reversal.
The unfortunate reality for most women is the word ‘considered‘ often translates into ‘must be tested for‘. Our experience as reversal specialist has demonstrated most of these infertility test are a waste of time, money, and effort.
Infertility Test Before Tubal Reversal
I performed three tubal reversal surgeries today.
One patient had eight previous full term pregnancies with her husband (yes eight), had a tubal ligation, and subsequently had a change of heart and wanted a reversal. Why would this woman and her husband need many expensive tests for infertility before having her tubal reversal? Her history is the most important predictor and it is more important than any other blood test or x-ray I can think of.
The second couple was having a tubal reversal to have more children. They had both been divorced, remarried, and each had two children from previous marriages. Why does she need any infertility test? Why does he need a semen test? The answer is they don’t.
The third woman was having tubal reversal because of abnormal symptoms she experienced after her tubal ligation. She had no desire to become pregnant. Why does she need infertility testing? I think we can all agree she does not need any additional testing.
Infertility Testing And Tubal Reversal
The unfortunate reality is many infertility doctors recommend a large number of routine test before infertility treatment. The problem with this approach is that no test will predict the future and many of these infertility tests will not be paid by insurance and have to be paid directly by the patient.
I have seen many doctors require an extensive battery of test before they will even consider a procedure. Unfortunately indiscriminate testing is one of the problems with modern medicine. Since many patients pay for their infertility treatment out of pocket this means many may not be able to afford the actual procedure once all the routine test are done.
Recommended Infertility Tests: What Do We Recommend?
We do not force or require our patients to have any infertility test before having tubal reversal at our center because we realize many of these test are expensive and are not predictive of future pregnancy success.
Semen Test And Tubal Reversal
We do encourage our patients to consider a semen test before having a tubal reversal but only if their partner has not fathered any children. Even when a man has not fathered any children the chance of their being an extremely low sperm count is around 5-8%.
FSH Test And Tubal Reversal
We do encourage our patients who are over 40 to consider a Follicle Stimulating Hormone test (FSH) before having tubal reversal. The FSH test has only been proven to identify who may be more likely to be successful with IVF.
It is important for readers to realize a FSH test does not predict who will or will not get pregnant naturally. The test may predict who is more or less likely to become pregnant naturally but this is uncertain.
Infertility Testing And Reversing Tubes
My daughters and I have been evaluating the IVF doctor’s biased statements about tubal reversal. Most are heavily biased against tubal reversal and about half are not facts at all.
The IVF expert has stated other infertility factors should be considered before having tubal reversal surgery.
This is clearly an opinion.
It is a wise opinion to consider other infertility factors before having any infertility treatment; however, it is naive to think the average tubal reversal patient has undiagnosed infertility and force them to pay to prove what there personal history demonstrates has not been a problem.
The next article in this series deals with the IVF doctor’s 6th biased statement: The Dumbest Reason Not To Have A Tubal Reversal.
Submitted by Dr. Charles Monteith